The Benefits of Seeds for You and Your Body

Seeds are nature’s greatest gifts; not only do they produce the food we eat but the seeds themselves are packed full of nutritional value. They are in the food we eat, in our beauty products such as cleansers, moisturisers, make up, body washes, face washes and bubble bath; they are also used for their essential oils and are wonderful for scars, acne and a range of skin problems and illnesses. Snacking on seeds provide your body with a wide range of nutrition and curbs hunger, so instead of reaching for a chocolate bar or a packet of crisps, take an array of seeds from the list below and feel the health benefits.

The best way to eat seeds is to eat them raw because, by cooking seeds, the enzymes, vitamins and minerals denature and do not benefit the body in anyway. However, pureeing, mashing, grounding or soaking the seeds will keep the nutritional value and allow you to incorporate them into your food and drink. Avoid seeds that have been coated in sugar, roasted and salted.

 There are so many seeds on the market and it can be a chore finding which ones are best for you, so this guide lists the top 10 seeds to try because of their healthy connotations.

  • Chia Seeds

 Chia seeds are one of the most nutritional seeds on the planet; they have 2x more protein than a kidney bean, more iron than spinach, 6x more calcium than milk, a staggering 7x more vitamin C than oranges, more antioxidant than blueberries; 8x more omega-3 than fish and over 10x more magnesium than broccoli. This super-seed has been known to reduce pain in the joints, give energy and help with weight loss as well as help combat type 2 diabetes and heart disease. A serving of a teaspoon amount every day can really make a difference to your present health and future health status.

  •  Pomegranate Seeds

 These beauties are a wonderful source of antioxidants and are not only great to eat, they can also be used as face masks to detoxify and boost your skin cells. It can help with premature aging as well as fighting free radicals, preventing blood clots, reducing the risk of cancer and disease and boosting oxygen productivity around the body. Spa facilities in London love using pomegranate seeds in their treatments because of their amazing qualities. Pomegranate juice or half a cup of these seeds every day can give you these incredible health benefits.

  • Apricot Seeds

 The apricot kernel is very nutritious and is used by the Spa At The Montcalm London as an exfoliator to keep the skin soft and supple. As a snack, it is filled with vitamins, such as vitamins B17, and can help to inhibit cancerous cells from producing within the body. A quarter of a cup each day will provide your body with a good source of amygadlin and, countries who incorporate this into their daily diet have low cancer rates.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

 Pumpkin seeds are full of goodness and are the only seed that is alkaline based. Half a cup of seeds or 100grams, will provide half of your daily requirement for protein as well as the complex of vitamin B which can otherwise be missing from our daily diet. They help mental conditions such as depression as it contains a component tryptophan which can elevate moods and can fight body invaders such as tapeworm.

  • Grape Seeds

 These little beauties are a great source of vitamin E, flavonoids and polyphenols. They are known to calm high blood pressure and high cholesterol which prevents heart      disease and it has been noted that it can drastically reduce the effects and contagiousness of the Norovirus. Take 1-2 tablespoons a day, whether it

is on your breakfast or as a mid-morning snack.

  • Sunflower Seeds

 Possibly the most commonly recognised seeds with their black and white striped appearance, sunflower seeds are a fantastic way of getting vitamin E and antioxidants into your system. A quarter of a cup will protect the cells membrane, molecules, cholesterol levels and brain cells as well as fighting toxins that can build up in our bodies. These seeds are a very good source of magnesium and magnesium works wonders for women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome and menopause as well as helping those with depression, high blood pressure, asthma, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes.

  • Sesame Seeds

 Sesame seeds have been used by the human race for centuries and are mainly used as condiments and for its oil. It is high in phytosterol which helps to fight off particular cancers, reduce cholesterol and boost the immune system. There are a wide range of nutrients in sesame seeds such as manganese, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, iron and fibre. Just a quarter of a cup of sesame seeds a day can have a profound effect on your health.

 Sesame oil is one of the most popular oils used in cooking and it is also used in many beauty products. However, simply using the oil alone will produce wonderful results; using the oil as a skin conditioner will add instant moisture to your skin and, when taking a warm shower after applying, it will leave your skin soft and supple. This property also works wonders for those wth eczema and psoriasis as it reduces the raw, flaky skin and soothes the irritated areas. Massaging sesame seed oil into your scalp will rejuvenate your hair while smoothing and adding a gorgeous shine, simply massage in and leave overnight for beautiful, flowing locks..