Walking Tours in London

Summary: London is a city that can also be enjoyed through simple delights of walking around in the city.

London is a beautiful land to be in, and a city to reckon with. The dream of every traveler across the world, London seems to charm the visitor into making things very easy for the tourist. Every aspect of this city is wonderful and provides a unique and special visual attraction. The best ways to experience the pleasures of a lovely city is to get down on the road and see the entire city part by part.

Walking Tours

London seems to come alive through these small time delights which make the experience memorable. Enjoy the walks down the street to Hyde Park. The lovely ambience and the green surroundings only beckon one for more. The low hanging fog here seems to be a part of the ambience gracefully. The sun tries to weave its way through the foggy sky. One only would love to enjoy this entire experience with easy grace and acceptance. At times it rains and one only has to learn to take all this as a part of their tours and experience the pleasures of enjoying the simple travel ecstasies of a wonderful land. London is indeed a place with ideal travel secrets which only the tourist would be able to describe.

Travel Walks

The walks in the meandering area of London take one from hotels like Park Grand London Paddington, London Budget Hotels to neighboring Hyde Park. The park is surely a wonderful way to feel closer to nature. The pedestrian bridge here is also a great attraction for all those who come to this part of the world. There is a regular crowd here and the weather complements it well. Take the best of London Eye delights and enjoy this Ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames. Certainly a superb way to experience the best of travel delights here. The London Eye is also called the Millennium Wheel and officially was recognized as a wonderful sightseeing spot here. However those on walks can surely have a great walking experience and have a distant view of the London Eye.

Other Interesting Strolls

The travelers coming here enjoy taking a casual stroll from areas like Kensington to Trafalgar Square. This is a great way to enjoy the spirit of the people in the city and ideal ways of providing the traveler what he looks for. Kennington Park earlier was called Kennington Common which is also the starting point for many protest marches in the past. This is the site where one had important meetings in the year 1848. The working class had an electoral movement of the Chartists which had meetings in this area. There were many fears that these Chartists numbering 50,000 would spark a movement. The event actually in fact passed off peacefully in those years. The land was also the place of execution and there have been reports of remains of a gibbet found here in the St. Mark Church. But all this is history as the walks around this area are indeed wonderful and interesting.


More London Walks

The walks along Brixton Road are also exciting. The end here is the Imperial War Museum. The ground of this museum was once upon a time the border of the St. George’s Fields. It was also the venue of many demonstrations which also had an uprising of many imprisoned radicals. One reaches the Beaufoy Institute here which is a school for reformation. The Lambeth High Street is another lovely road to walk on. T his is the place where the Doulton pottery factory was there. It is in fact one of the most interesting and striking sights in the city of London. Then one has the Palace of Westminster which has a lot of history from magnificent Guy Fawkes to Cromwell. There is a statue here which is imposing. Then one has the Parliament Square which is also very famous. One also finds the statue of Winston Churchill here which again provides one with a lot of travel delights. Trafalgar Square is a place which fills one’s travels with wonderful memories. Home to many revolts and riots here this was the site of the initial Bloody Sunday. Take the road along the Albert Embankment and one would reach Lambeth Palace. This is also the place where the Archbishop of Canterbury lived. People live in hotels like Park Grand London Paddington, London Budget Hotels and enjoy true travel experiences.

Other Travel Sights

The travel sights in London on walks are filled with wonderful visual memories. The Lollards Tower is a wonderful way to enjoy the sights in London. This water tower has been existing since 1435, and it got its name from the religious dissenters called Lollards.  The Tate Britain also is a wonderful place here and is the site of the Penitentiary earlier. One likes to come here and enjoy the simple delights of a wonderful land.

London and Its Travel Pleasures

London comes with its travel experiences and with beautiful sights and memorable delights, the pleasures of enjoyable travels are really a delight to reckon with. Take back wonderful memories from places like Hyde Park and bring back the lost charms here. The green ambience and the amazing surroundings provide one with beautiful tour memories. This is one of the reasons one would surely love to enjoy the walks around these areas. London has always been a place where one gets ideal travel comforts but he walks make it even easier as the travel memories are indeed fascinating and lovely moments to cherish. One major factor that walks here provide is a feeling to be closer to nature. The green surroundings and the simple visual memories are a force to reckon with and one would only enjoy the ideal ways of being in a lovely land filled with pleasurable moments and cherishable experiences.

London is indeed a place where one gets the best and the most of interesting walking experiences.