7 Ways to Let London Surprise You

London the land of beautiful palaces, parks and gardens and the site of royal experiences. Come here and enjoy the simple joys of being in a lovely land filled with ideal travel delights. The best ways to experience the pleasures of London is to bring back a lost charm that is typical of being in one of the most interesting travel spots in the world. Come here and experience the joys of being in a one stop travel destination and make way for the best. Do not succumb to the temptation of being in one place for long and one only loves to be a part of the irresistible charms here. London is indeed a valuable place to be in and also provides an ideal blend of tour and travel luxuries. Come here to the beautiful land of lost charms and take back the best kind of travel kitty.

The Charms and Graces in London

London is indeed a wonderful land to be in and provides one with every reason to be happy about. The city replete with its past royal grandeur and amazing regal connections only speaks about the land being a wonderful blend of amazing constructions and absolutely wonderful monuments. Bring back everything that one always wishes to see in tours and take back a perfect travel experience. While here there are many things that would surely surprise the visitor and it is this m mysterious touch about the city that makes things easier, better and lovelier always. London truly is a land to be in and gives one every reason to have a great travel delight. Bring into the travels an added excitement with the simple hotel stays and comforts that make the trip even more exciting. Surely London is the best way to experience the best and also makes a difference in one’s life very easily. Stay in hotels like the BW plus Park Grand London Heathrow which is one of the reasons why London is so attractive to all.


How Best to Get Surprised in London

London gives those offbeat experiences which are so much a part of everyday luxuries. For example the experience of living through the Jack the Ripper days. It is all over the press and when one comes to the Eastern London areas, then these murders of the prostitutes comes to light. Discover more about all this by going to the Ten Bells Pub which is located on the Whitechapel’s Commercial Street. This is a place where people come and drink and also drum up trade and business here. Pay respects at the City of London Cemetery and feel the very place where two of such women have been buried.

The Pleasures of the Thames Treasure Hunt

London is surely the best place to be in if one wishes to be a part of the Thames Hunt. The tide is out on the river and the visitors have fun as he mud larkers rummaging in the exposed bed of the River Thames. There are lot of things one finds here from buttons, to artefacts to pottery from days gone by. The northern bank of the river near St. Paul’s and around the areas of Blackfriars and Southwark only make things much easier and better for all. Anyone with an access to the waterfront would surely have the best tip on the ways to enjoy here. The tips on the Port of London Authority tell one about the stone stairs which are indeed slippery and also speak about the fast moving tides which are not only important but also provide for very good reading.


The Borough Market Delights

The pleasures of the Borough Market only makes things easier and better for all and as shoppers look for that particular local vibe which is part of the torus here enjoy the visit to the Maltby Street here. There are vendors who have relocated here and also have given one a sense of community. This is in fact not as large as it should have been and as the original vendors make it up with the best the pleasures of being here is in fact a thing of reckoning.

The Telly Toast

The Telly Toast is a place which opened in the year 1949 and has the pleasures of ideal bar and restaurant delights. Very popular for being friendly and providing the best kind of high quality coffee this is where the celebrity patrons have had their best times. There is a new invention here on the top which is the television and was in fact shown for the very first time in the year 1926 by John Logier Baird a Scotsmann.


The Hard Night’s Sleep

This began way back in the year 192 and was the place the Beatles stayed when they first moved to the capital of England. The Beatles lived here for more than a year at the President Hotel in Russell Square in Bloomsbury. Then they were teens who were trying to make it big in music Die-hard fans can enjoy the sleep in the same place where their icons were some years back.


The London Zoo

Come to the London zoo and personally witness the place that gets more than a 1.3 million visitors. Few of us actually know that one has a private canal side zoo gate where cruises would leave the visitors. This also is connected to the Leafy Venice as it is called which incidentally has the very busy Camden town.


Sotheby Sales

Come here and witness the Sotheby sales and enjoy one of the most elite ways of experiencing the city. There are public sales here along with auction houses. If one would have to purchase an item it would be mainly to take back a great Egyptian statue which dates back to 1320 BC. This was in fact sold in the 1800s and there are cases where objects were never picked up by the buyer.