The Weirdest London Traditions

London is a city that has the best kinds of culture but also the weirdest kinds of traditions too.

Come to the beautiful city of London and take back a valuable combination of tour delights as well as travel luxuries. People who come here take back a nostalgic memory and also a valuable travel kitty. This is the best place to be in when someone comes in search of true excitement and adventure. London is a city replete with parks, gardens and amazing visual attractions. People coming here normally love to enjoy the culture and tradition of the city and also take back a very cherishable memory. London also has a great weird quotient to it and when one comes here there are many experiences which pave the way for the best and the most fascinating tales.

The Peter Pan Cup

This is a fine way to spend the season of Christmas and on this morning one has to strip down to the smalls and then swim a 100 yards in a lake in Central London. It is for those who are members of the Serpentine Swimming Club. This is a dip that is done every year and goes back to the year 1864 and got its name in the year 1904. When the big day comes one loves to be indoors and drink Prosecco and also watching popular films. This is a greatly weird tradition here.

The Harvest Festival of the Pearly Kings and the Queens

A perfect visit in London is not finished without watching the weird things here. So get set and zoom to the world of a lovely blend of pearl encrusted old timers who come to the City for the annual charity with their knees up every autumn. They usually are found marching from a special maypole which is erected at the Guildhall to drop the money require. One has seen collection of canned goods, tea etc. People also love apple and pears in the list.

The Stow’s Quill

The Stow’s Quill is yet another lovely way to enjoy he weird quotient of London. It is in the medieval church and is ensconced between the Cheese Grater and the Gherkin along with a marble bust of John Stow. This is the major attraction here and one only can marvel at the amazing way in which the construction has set in here. Lord Mayor in fact has a great ceremony here and replaces the quill once in three years.

The Special Goat Race

The goats are adorable creatures and what better way to have a weird outing in the city than have them race. This is actually an annual fare and has two horny denizens from the Spitalfields City Farm and they fight against each other in this weird duel. They go for the big run and as they butt heads the entire place seems to grow with the noise. One really gets a wonderful feeling to be here in this part of the world doing these weird things. These fun events near Western Terrace are other ways of keeping busy in London tours.

The Grimaldi Service

The Grimalidi Service is another wonderful way of making things work and also provides one with easy and convenient ways of making the trips to London effective. One only wonders how people coming here have the stamina to make things work. As one lives through the memorial service one can only see what comes across as an immediate feeling of doing something weird.

Swearing on the Horns

This is in fact a parody of the initiation rite in religion that have been performed around the pubs in Highgate since the sixteenth century. The horns f a stag are first mounted on a pole that is around five feet long. The people who want to imbibe the rules can declare such an oath of absolutely genuine feelings. The pleasures of being in the city is in fact wonderful and amazingly weird.

The Weirdness in Midsummer

The place has a lovely combination of the best kinds of cyclists along with the bywatchers. At 2 am there is a peloton of more than hundred cyclists which are usually kept here to catch the main sunrise on the Primrose Hill. They stop along the way to take a coffee and also pick it up on the way. They reach the final climb and enter the realm of London life and represent the ubiquitors middle aged men in lycra. This is the reason it is considered as a weird example of spending time in the city.  

The opening of parliament and the States in Question

The State opening of Parliament is in fact a golden vehicle to be able to understand the government. It is not like setting one’s own examination and then failing. It is more than that. The fact that it is in the list of weird categories shows how extraordinary the entire structure is. In fact people stay in hotels like the Park Grand London hotel and enjoy the tours to this part of the world.

The Delights of Twelfth Night on Bankside

There is a certain charm in being on the banks of the Thames or the mighty Bankside. There is a certain beauty in finding the foliage emerging from the Thames. The weird stuff in the city never seems to end and one can only make way for more such interesting feats in this very city and in this beautiful part of the world.

London is a city which fills one with the ideal blend of travel and tour combinations which bring about a great mixture which provide one with a reason to come back for more. So come here and enjoy the best ways to make things work for all those who wish to have a unique tour. London has its own gardens, parks and green areas and brings about a wonderful visual delight which makes one come up in the eyes of an interested tourist.