The Best Secret London Gardens

London has a secret side to it and charms the visitor with its beautiful sights and amazing spectacles.

Come to the city of London and take back the best memories of a beautiful city with the most fascinating green spaces. It is here that one loves to be a part of wonderful tours and also makes an effort to do something different in life. Come to the beauty of the city and experience the pleasures of a wonderful land filled with the best visual delights. Truly London deserves to be a land of charming gardens and greens with the most fascinating blend of the old time memories and new time pleasures.

Often when one visits a city, one feels like going to see monuments and palaces and related structures. Visit London and one would want to spend the maximum time in the green spaces. This is what makes the city special and also what makes the city stand out in tours to this part of the world. When one visits London therefore it is ideal to cover the best gardens and parks and make way for the ideal combinations that would turn to be true. London is indeed a fascinating land and also one that would remain etched in the minds forever. Come here and bask in the glory of the parks and the green stretches and take back a great blend of amazing sights and simple visual delights.


The Green Spaces in London
The special thing about London is the presence of immense green spaces which make up for all the other kinds of tiredness which otherwise sag a visitor. The park or the garden here along with the best kind of city centre pleasures gives the visitor a reason to come back for more. One can live in hotels like The Shaftesbury Premier London Paddington and then make one’s way through to the gardens and parks nearby. The private parks are always open to only particular residents. Here the point of contention is the open spaces which are open to all and are available in plenty.  Let us see the beauty and charm of some of the secret London gardens.

The Hill Garden in Pergola
This is indeed a secret garden worth mentioning. This is also the best in London. Situated in Hampstead it is a lovely place and has the best collection of summer flowers and also elevate pergola. The pergola takes one to a lawn which would just mesmerize the visitor. There is a large pool here which is a favorite haunt of the picnickers. One loves to be here on warmer days and the romantic ambience is indeed spectacular and striking here.

The Beauty of the Chelsea Physic Garden
The Chelsea Physic Garden is one of the best gardens and provides one with a need to show something interesting to the visitor. There are many ways one could unwind in London and this is surely one of them. This was founded in the year 1673 and it was the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries which helped in studying the actual qualities of the plants. It then went on to become on the world’s important centres of botany. There are visitors today who walk through the walled garden and then spend time exploring the flowers and plants that grace the ground stoically. There are small ways of surprising the visitor here.

The Vauxhall Park Fantasies with the Lavender Garden
The Lavender Garden is one of the best places to be in if one is a botany lover. There is a miniature model village as well as a rose pergola with the best kinds of gardens which burst with beautiful buds. The summer season sees a lot of it and the garden with its square shape only makes things feasible and workable. There are benches here and one loves to relax here after a tired day. In fact people compare the place to Provence.

The Amazing Roof Gardens
The area of Kensington would be the best only due to the pleasures of the Roof Garden. This is a beautiful place and opens during the day too. Visitors are not charged and they love to walk through the amazing hedges which are indeed maintained well. There are pink flamingos and amazing creatures here which help in enjoying the overall show.

The Garden of World Peace
Yes, if one is here right in the South End Green then surely Hampstead Heath is a lovely place for greenery. The neighborhood is famous for the World Peace Garden which is very popular and is located right next to the Hamsptead Heath Overground station. In fact the World Peace Garden is a lovely charity to the world and helps in promoting peace by challenging the usual way of looking at the world by giving unusual messages which have inspiring messages. This is surely a wonderful way of dealing with everyday humdrum.

Visits to Mount Street Gardens
These were actually founded in the year 1723, and were used as a burial ground for the church fare of St. George Hanover Square. The gardens today are an elegant lot and have many green spaces which help in increasing positivity. The flower beds are well manicured and there are beautiful sculptures adorning the park. The lawns are immaculate and there is sense of charm all around. There are long rows of benches in the gardens which hold the right quotient to help one to relax here in the surrounding beauty and also make way for the best in the busy part of the central part of the city.

The Natural History Museum Wildlife Garden
Everyone loves to enjoy wildlife and if there is a garden dedicated to it then nothing like it. The garden occupies a small corner near the Natural History museum and it has more than 2000 species of flora as well as fauna. The pretty ponds along with the trees, trails and other interesting things enable one to be a part of a great visual delight indeed.