5 top attractions that make London a luxury winter travel destination

Though it may be considered to be far too cold for the liking of a lot of people, it can be said that if a person has the option to pay a visit to London during the winter season, this represents one of the best options when it comes to a holiday a person could take during any given time of the year.

It can be said that not many other things have as much of a direct and an intuitive link as the English have with tea. As a matter of fact, afternoon tea has always been a speciality falling well within the domain of the English. So, it really cannot be said to be surprise when one considers that the Dorchester hotel hosts a ‘Festive Afternoon Tea’ which is well worth a visit, by any measure. The tea which is being spoken of is held every weekend between the third week of November and the third week of December; a few days prior to Christmas itself.

The teas which a person who pays a visit to the hotel can consume constitute a very wide variety, from which a visitor can pick and choose from, according to his or her preferences. In addition to the wonderful range of options he or she has when it comes to tea, the food which is on offer is great as well. If one happens to pay a visit on one occasion when he or she is in London in the run up to Christmas, it is more than likely that he or she will end up being at the Dorchester Hotel every weekend for the Festive Afternoon Tea! After all, he or she cannot shoulder the blame, and nor should he or she be liable to when the food which is available includes sugar dusted mince pies, which are supplemented by some fantastic and delicious baked cones with clotted cream. The ambience of the place is also great as there is usually a children’s choir whose members hold nothing back in their effort to fill the air with song.

In order to discover all the great Christmas attractions in the city, it is important to stay in a hotel which is well located and one such as The Marble Arch by Montcalm London should prove to be more than sufficient as it keeps with the quality which is mentally associated with a montcalm hotel.

The next place or attraction one can or rather, should, make a visit to is a place called Fortnum & Mason, which is a place located in the Piccadilly area of the city. It can be said that the word tradition is synonymous with a place such as Fortnum & Mason as this is a shop which was first set up and upped its shutter way back in the year 1707; giving the shop more than three whole centuries in operation, which is frankly awe inducing.

When one pays a visit to Fortnum & Mason in the winter in the period prior to Christmas, it is without a doubt that he or she will be amazed at the variety of things he or she will find to be available. Just to make use of an example, a range of things which are themed on and around the Christmas festival and season are available including Christmas calendars along with Christmas puddings which are so rich that one would know upon taking even a single bite into one that his or her Christmas diet is destined to fly out of the window and return in the avatar of a contrite as well as determined new year resolve and resolution!

As a shop, when the topic of Christmas is at hand, Fortnum & Mason can be said to be best known for the Christmas hampers which are sold there. It can also be said that the hampers at the shop can be tailored to fit any price range perfectly as they range between fifty pounds and five thousand pounds. If one plans to go whole hog then there is quality which goes along with the high end price tag of five thousand pounds; providing value in the form of Beluga caviar and truffles, among other fare.

It can be said that the experience of London as a winter destination is one which would be aptly crowned by paying a visit to Winter Wonderland; which runs from the start of the third week of November till about mid way through the first week of January. The atmosphere out here is festive as ever. If one happens to be travelling to London with children, this is the place to go as the rides and other attractions are a joy to behold.