Living In London Funny Things

There is no doubt, at all, of the fact that London is one of the most unique and historic cities in the world.

As a matter of fact, living in London can be more than a little comical at times and as long as a person who is living in the city and experiencing it as it is keeps up an amiable disposition, he or she can have a lot of fun while living in London as some of the things which are part and parcel of daily life can be said to be the cause for quite a bit of amusement.

It can also be said that the city is bereft of sun. This causes its residents to crave for it and go close to bonkers in the event the sun appears. This phenomenon is a lot more evident in the months of winter during which it seems almost as if the people who live in the city are rushing out to the sunny spots in the city, which are few and far between, to thaw themselves of the winter freeze they are unfortunately stuck in.

One thing which is to be noted about London is that a person who moves to the city is nobody until he or she makes a name for himself or herself, in the city. For a woman who is living in London, he or she would likely not use the heels purchased much at all, apart from maybe indoors, by virtue of the weather which is experienced by the city. This is because when she tries walking outdoors and the ground is rather wet due to the near incessant and unpredictable rain that plagues the city, it is unlikely to be a venture which ends well.

In order to get a brief taste to sample of what life is like when one is living in London, it is apt for a person whose interest has been piqued by the prospect, to head over to the amazing city that is London and prior to doing so, check out some of the great boutique hotels in London, United Kingdom.

In London, no matter how friendly a visitor to the city is and even if he or she is of the mind to get to know what the people of the city are like by talking to some of them; this is unlikely to be a good idea, especially if done so on the London Tube, or on any form of public transport for that matter. People usually mind their own business or are busy and do not have the time for idle chatter, even if the case may be that they would not mind engaging in some.

A lot, in London, be it work related or socially, revolves around the concept of drinking alcohol while getting along with normal life. There are many pubsand bars in this city and it can be said that no matter where a person may be in a city, he or she would not be far away from a drinking or watering hole. Even if one does not agree with this, he or she should accept it as part and parcel of life; even if he or she does not engage in it.

Tea has long been known to be the drink of the English and it can be said that there is no place which is more apt to have a concentration of tea lovers which is high, rather than the capital of the country i.e. London. It can be said that one would develop a certain taste in tea, over time, as a direct result of living in the city. While the knowledge of a person with respect to the world of tea may never be as deep so as to put the person at the same level of a tea connoisseur, it can be said that an individual will learn a wealth of information in the field of tea. It is natural for him or her to develop preferences regarding the type of tea he or she prefers to consume and to stick by these preferences wherever it may be possible.

Living in London, one of the many causes for amusement is likely to be the witnessing of people paying money to be shown and guided through the graffiti of the city while it is available to look at for no cost whatsoever and if one follows technicalities, it is not supposed to be there, in the first place.

The great part about the city, or rather, one of the many great parts of living in the city is the fact that though people may seem cold as they just wish to mind their own business, nobody cares about status in the city and just wants to get on with life.