Top Free Attractions and Activities in London

London has an aura and a not so favourable tag of being an expensive city due to which most people throughout the world think twice before planning a trip to this great city. However, the capital of England also has a softer side that cares for its visitors and provides a lot of free attractions and activities that they can see and experience. Moreover, they can find many affordable accommodation options in the heart of the city close to the various attractions and other places of interest making it easy for them to save on commuting cost and stay comfortably within their budget. Different types of accommodation Notting Hill are available to suit every pocket, including London Premier Notting Hill which offers luxurious accommodation in one of the most posh areas of central London.

If you plan your trip to London properly, you will find that visiting the city was not all that expensive as is the perception of most people. For tourists there are many free attractions that they can visit. The top free attractions and activities are as follows.

London offers free entry into most of its museums which can be ranked among the best in the world. However, special exhibitions in some of them come for a fee. The free museums include the Museum of London where you can learn about the history of the city from the Roman era to the present day; the Geffrye Museum where you can see English domestic interiors and the way people used to live in London; the Horniman Museum where you can see the over-stuffed walrus; and the British Museum which is London’s most visited attraction. The other free museums include the Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum and many more.
Art Galleries
London is home to some of the most exceptional art galleries of the world that exhibit some of the finest artworks. Most of these galleries do not have any entry free. These include Tate Modern that focuses on contemporary art; Tate Britain that exhibits British Art from the sixteenth century to the present day; the National Portrait Gallery and National Gallery in Trafalgar Square; and the Wallace Collection which is located just off Oxford Street. Most of these major art galleries are open till late in the evening.

London Parks and Gardens
Although London is densely populated with high accommodation needs, the city offers a plethora of parks and gardens including eight Royal Parks. These green expanses create quiet havens for relaxation and a break from the concrete jungle seen everywhere in the city. Some of these parks are indeed very beautiful and offer many attractions and opportunities for leisure activities. Most of them are free to enter and are located close to central London. These include Queen Mary’s Rose Gardens at Regent’s Park, Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, St James’s Park, Holland Park and many others. You could also visit Primrose Hill or Greenwich Park for amazing views of London. Hyde Park offers many attractions including Speakers’ Corner, Serpentine Lake, and Serpentine Solar Shuttle. Kensington Gardens offers Kensington Palace and Serpentine Gallery.

Changing of the Guard
Every day in the summer at 11:30am and every other day in winter the Queen’s Guard changes in the forecourt inside the Buckingham Palace. This spectacle can be viewed free of cost from outside the front gates of the palace. This military tradition involves the Queen’s Guard wearing special uniforms and switching in perfect harmony. It is important to arrive early to get a vantage point at the front of the gates.

Street Markets
There are many free and popular street markets in London from clothes markets to antique markets and food markets to flower markets. The most popular ones are Camden Market and Portobello Market, following closely by Greenwich Market. The other important markets are Camden Market, Portobello Market, Greenwich Market, Spitalfields Market, Borough Market and Columbia Flower Market.

Street Performers
You can find many street performers at various places of the city such as at the West Piazza of Covent Garden Market where they will entertain you every afternoon. Huge crowds are attracted by these performers who are all licensed and have been authorised to perform. You can also find street performers along the South Bank at weekends, particularly outside the National Theatre. Most entertainers ask for a small donation at the end of their act as this is usually how they make their living.

Free Walking Tours
London offers many free walking tours that are great for seeing various places of interest and for getting to know the city better. Some of these tours have guides as well. If you walk along the River Thames, you will be able to see many important London landmarks including the London Eye and Tate Modern.

Trafalgar Square
This iconic square in the heart of London is one of the greatest visitor attractions of the city. It offers many sights to see such as Nelson’s Column and the National Gallery. There are many shopping opportunities here and a whole lot of fine dining options.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is free to enter if you go when the church services are taking place but at other times there is a fee. You can hear the Abbey choir singing at a beautiful service when the Evensong takes place at 5pm every day (3pm on Sundays). The Choristers of the Choir are educated at Westminster Abbey Choir School and are all extremely talented.

Free Music
Visitors to London as well as the residents can enjoy lots of free music at various events that take place at places such as the Southbank Centre, free foyer concerts at the National Theatre and at the South Bank. You can also enjoy free Monday lunchtime recitals at the Royal Opera House, regular free lunchtime concerts at St Martins-in-the-Fields and at Nottingham Hill Arts Club on Saturdays.