The Perks of Paddington

Paddington is one of the most famous areas of London, namely for its station that opened in 1847 and was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington has been the birth place of many notable people such as Alan Turing, Emma Thompson and Kiefer Sutherland and is legendary for being the place where Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin in 1928. With such an amazing history and perfect placement for the tube and railway lines, it is no wonder that most tourists choose Paddington hotels, such as the Shaftesbury Premier London Paddington, as their base for their adventure.

There is so much to see and do around the city so planning your time can be difficult; you could visit the Tower of London, you could take a 12 hour tour to discover how East London has evolved or even take a trip down the Thames, the options are endless. So here is a helping hand, a guide of places around the Paddington area to explore and enjoy.

Shopping at The Dresser

A few minutes walk away from Paddington is The Dresser, a second hand clothes shop. You may wonder why you should visit a second hand shop in London and the answer is simple...because Eric Clapton regularly donates his clothes to The Dresser. Labels such as Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Armani and Stella McCartney are just a minute selection of designers that grace the shelves of this shop and all can be bought for at a shockingly great price. What makes this shop even better is that its takings are donated to charity so not only do you get a killer piece for a marginal price but you are also helping others, what could be better than that?


Gaze into the eyes of your favourite celebrity

Madame Tussards is famous throughout the world for its life-like waxworks of celebrities, royalty and contributors to science, maths and peace keeping. There is also the Chamber of Horrors filled with waxworks depicting depraved murderers from history, torture instruments as well as housing SCREAM!, a live walk through chamber that is designed to give you nightmares. It is under 15 minutes away from the Shaftesbury Premier London Paddington, so if you want to get up close and personal with Johnny Depp, Kylie Minogue, One Direction and King Henry VIII then head to Madame Tussards for a fun-filled day.

Take a trip through time and visit Kensington Palace

Home to King William III and Queen Mary II in 1689, Kensington Palace has been a residence for many royal figures since, such as Queen Victoria, the late Princess Diana and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their son Prince George. It became a focal point for mourners after Princess Diana’s death with over 1 million flowers being laid in remembrance to her and, even today, people still continue to lay flowers on the anniversary of her death. The palace houses many exhibitions that allows guests to see what the palace would have looked like at different periods in history; from William and Mary’s State rooms to an exhibition of clothing owned by Princess Margaret, Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth II. Afterwards, take a stroll around the exquisite gardens and see if you can spot the memorials as well as the beautiful Peter Pan bronze statue.

Shop on Oxford Street

300 shops over 5 million square feet of space, welcome to Oxford Street, one of the busiest shopping avenues in the world. It embraces over 200 million shoppers each year to its street and it is home to the legendary store Selfridges which opened in 1909 and is still the main attraction of Oxford Street. It is home to a plethora of labels, designers in its women, mens, children, beauty food hall and home departments, having everything you need all under one roof; it even hold a champagne bar so you can really treat yourself. Oxford street is accessible via three different tube lines with four stations scattered along the mile and a half road making it extremely easy to get to and even more tempting to shop until you drop.

No trip to London is complete without a peek in Harrods

At Knightsbridge lies every shopper’s dream-Harrods. This 5 acre department store houses over 330 departments over 1 million square feet for you to get lost in the world of retail, although a map is offered at designated points throughout the store just to give a helping hand. Its design is exquisite, thought and care has been put into every aspect of its interior, from the Egyptian staircase to the Zodiac ceiling and the decorated windows are legendary throughout Europe.

The history of Harrods really begins in 1880 when Charles Digby Harrod built a business selling an array of goods such as perfumes, fruit, vegetables and medicines which thrived and grew, accquiring custom from Oscar Wilde, Charlie Chaplin, Laurence Olivier and Sigmund Freud. Now, Harrods have a range of products on offer such as women and menswear, pets and accessories, furniture, bridal, toys, jewellery and, of course, the famous food halls ,which really has something for everyone. There are 32 restaurants dotted around from pub grub to sushi, from high tea to cuisine as well as champagne bars and cafes. There is also a bank, design services, personal shoppers, a spa, a wine steward with an exceptional selection of wine and even a pharmacy. Harrods really does have it all and will not fail to make a lasting impression on you.