Tour Of Florence – The Most Beautiful City Of Italy

Whenever we speak of Italy the first thing that come in the mind of most of us are mouth-watering Italian delicacies. Italy certainly has a lot to offer in the department of gastronomic delights, but it has as much to offer in the department of tourism as well. If you are looking for the most beautiful place to stay in Italy while on a holiday trip to this country, look no further than Florence. As beautiful as the name sounds, the city itself is even more charming and beautiful. Beauty is in every aspect and corner of Florence. The town lies in the heart of Tuscany. You will find the best of churches, cathedrals, museums, and buildings and stores along the street of Florence. There is hardly any other town in entire Italy which can surpass this Renaissance town in terms of beauty and charm.

There is enough attraction available all across the town, however, before you move on to explore the various parts of it you will like to get a really comfortable and quaint accommodation within this town. My belief is boutique hotels Florence will serve the purpose. You may check out the Golden Tower Hotel and Spa which no doubt is among the most luxurious retreat you will come across in this town. Since Florence is quite popular among many tourists from across the globe, it is always a good idea to get the booking done at the hotel of your choice at the earliest to avoid last minute unavailability situation. You may opt for online booking option and check for any special discount as well.


Florence is well known for a number of special attractions. It is really hard to determine which is best and the smart option is to take out time to check out as much of the city as possible. Piazza della Signoria will be a good place to start the tour. It is of immense importance and have held special place in Florence all through history till this date. You will find a large number of outdoor exhibits and sculptures in the Piazza. Loggia della Signoria is well known for the various statues, which includes a copy of David by Michelangelo. This Piazza has been the centre of the town and used to be the venue of Florence town hall. Another attraction of the Piazza is the Palazzo Vecchio. The Palazzo has been in this place since the middle age and was decorated to be private and public apartments. If you are feeling like taking a rest after checking out these spectacular exhibits, the cafes and restaurants available in the Piazza will be a great place to refresh yourself.

After having checked all these sculptures and the replica of David if you are in mood of checking out some more authentic art in Italy, head out to Galleria dell ‘Academia. The Galleria is home to some of the finest pieces of art the world has ever witnessed. You will find the original David by Michelangelo as well as other beautiful works by him in this gallery. Take out time to go through the paintings dating back to 13th and 16th century, you will definitely be mesmerised by the beauty.

Florence in Italy has much more to offer to those who care to explore. So, get your explorer side out and uncover the beauty of the town for yourself. And do not forget to take back some souvenirs.